Where ideas ignite. Unleash your voice, shape our community
BerrienBoard is an anonymous image/text board made for the sole purpose of anonymity and discussion on real world topics happening in Berrien County, Michigan.
Despite this site's anonymity, remember to always be civil and respectful no matter the others' opinion or stance on a subject. Also, be sure to abide by the rules By using this site, you agree to the privacy policy
Here are some boards that might interest you:
b - Random discussions about anything related to Berrien County. No specific topic, anything goes.
pol - Discuss local news and politics affecting Berrien County. Keep it civil.
tech - Talk about technology, gadgets, and innovations in Berrien County.
out - Share your experiences and knowledge about outdoor activities and nature in Berrien County.
auto - Discuss cars, trucks, and other vehicles. Talk about local traffic and commutes.
ck - Share recipes, discuss local dining spots, and talk about all things food-related.
fit - Talk about local sports teams, fitness routines, and recreational activities.
art - Post and discuss local art, music, and culture. Share your creative works.
pet - Discuss pets, animal care, and local wildlife in Berrien County.
biz - Support and discuss local businesses, services, and entrepreneurship in Berrien County.
diy - Discuss home improvement, DIY projects, and gardening in Berrien County.
p - Share and critique photography, discuss techniques, and showcase local scenery.
tv - Discuss movies, TV shows, and streaming content, especially if it relates to local interests.
v - Discuss video games, gaming events, and online gaming communities.
fa - Talk about fashion, style, and local shopping in Berrien County.